


Making the process of getting a professional voiceover simple and hassle-free

Video Examples

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Vital Decisions

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The Beal Companies

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CBRE: Rancho Pacifica

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The Hartford: iPad Training

About Me

Voiceover is a passion I’ve had for over 25 years. I’m also a professional videographer and the co-owner – with my wife, Karen – of BuzzFlix Media, a video production and online marketing company here in Boston since 2007. I was a professional musician for the first part of my life, living in NYC, LA and Austin, TX. I’m also an accomplished and passionate home cook and I love to travel.

Mark and Karen at the beach

Happy Clients

“Mark and I have been working together for 15 years. He made the first marketing video for my first company. Since then I have calledon him to make infomercials, radio ads and,of course, perfect product and company pieces. Mark and his wife Karen are more than just a video team, they are smarter enough to control the process and trusted enough with the vision of each shoot. Having partners like this makes life better. Unless Disney and Dreamworks are in your budget and only if Mark was not available, would I not just adjust my schedule to use him. Ignore this recommendation at your own risk.”

“It’s hard to find a voice over artist, videographer and producer in one, but Mark really can do it all. We’ve teamed up with Mark on a wide variety of projects, and he is always communicative, professional and punctual. Plus, he’s downright fun to work with. If you’re looking for someone who can plan, manage and execute every level of your project, I can’t recommend Mark highly enough.”

“Mark has been one of my go-to voice talents for years. He’s always quick to turn things around, and can operate with minimal direction, nailing the desired tone and manner on his first take. His voice has warmth, gravitas, and presence without distraction. And he’s even identified minor typos and inconsistencies in scripts that I’ve sent to him and clarified things before recording, which not many talents would take the time to do. Highly recommended!”

“The best way to describe Mark’s voice is that he has the golden pipes. His unique pitch and tone are honey to the ears and allows his VO to stand out from among the plethora of flippant sounding neo-sincerity that you get in most recent male VO artists. Every project where I’ve used Mark’s VO has gotten rave reviews from the clients, specifically for the quality of his voice.”

I used Mark on several occassions while at Conversion Associates to produce seminar videos and client video testimonials. In every case, the process and output were both outstanding. The key to choosing a videographer is not just the expertise with the video and editing (Mark is solid on both) but more importantly the ability to use video to capture the essence of the business and the message you are trying to convey. Mark really helped us use the medium to tell our story and our client’s story in a professional and credible way. I strongly recommend Mark.

Contact Me

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